Wednesday, August 15, 2012



Weight loss is not easy.  (period)...  If it was easy then Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig would be out of business, Oprah would be a size 2, and obesity and diabetes would not be growing at alarming rates.  If we can acknowledge that it wont be easy then we can move into learning how to make it realistic and attainable.  There are more diets, meal plans, exercise clubs, books and resources than I would be able to review.  The bottom line is people need to take in less calories and use up more calories.  And stay motivated - but how?

  1. Think of your end goal.  Is it fit into a beautiful dress or a tuxedo for an upcoming wedding or big birthday?  Is it to prevent your pre- diabetes from turing into full blown diabetes?  Is it to keep up with your kids and to serve as a good role model for them?  Is it to lose your pregnancy weight?  Will it help your confidence level and possibly help you find your true love, find a job, find happiness within yourself?  Write down your goal.
  2. Think of what has worked for you in the past.  Was it a Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers program?  Was it an exercise class, a running group, tennis lessons, or a team you were on?  What did you do that made the difference - be specific and write this down.
  3. What are the obstacles you now face that make it difficult to lose weight?  No time, can’t afford a gym membership or to work out with a trainer, no motivation?  List your obstacles.
  4. Brainstorm on ways to overcome the obstacles.  For example - if you can’t afford a gym membership right now, you can start walking outside 3 times a week and watch an exercise video (free on TV or from the library) 2 times a week.
  5. What will help motivate you?  Can you make a “biggest loser” contest at work, or with your neighbors and see who can lose the most percentage weight in 8 weeks?  How about making a walking plan with your best friend 3 times a week, before you go to work or at lunch time.  Reward yourself for your workouts but not with food, make it something fabulous.  Get your nails done each week after 3 days of running/ walking 3 miles.  Treat yourself to new music on your I pod, or better yet, try this app called Pandora to download all favorite types of songs and get pumped (for free).  Write down what you will use to help motivate you and check it off each week as the week goes on to make sure you are on track.
  6. Monitor your foods with an on line application like My Fitness Pal or Go Meals.  It will calculate your foods so by the end of the day you know how many calories you have left to play with and stay within your calorie budget.
  7. Speak to a professional - like me.  I love to help motivate people and teach them how to eat healthy, wholesome, feel good foods.  I can help make over your pantry, go grocery and green market shopping, share good recipes and cookbooks, and even cook together.  What would you want to ask a Registered Dietitian, mother of 2 kids, baker and sometimes chef.  It can be specific - like what do I eat to help my blood pressure, or how can I help my father with his diabetes.
  8. Physical Activity.  I’m not an expert here but I know that aerobic activity where you get your heart rate up is good, and building muscle/ preventing muscle wasting is good for your heart, bones, and to aid in weight loss.
  9. Stay motivated.  Take before and after pictures of yourself each month and see how your body is changing.  If you can measure your body fat %, do so.  See how your clothes fit and feel.  Are you able to fit into those jeans from 10 years ago (before kids), great!  And get rid of the old clothes that you no longer wish to wear or see again.  
  10. Last step for motivation is to stay motivated.  This is when you take inventory of what you’ve done, how you did it, how you feel now vs. how you felt when you started, and are you still working toward a goal or is the goal now to maintain where you are.  It will take as much work to maintain the weight loss but will be just too easy to gain it.  Don’t fall into the trap of reaching goal and then slacking off.  

And as always, make it fun.  Life is a journey, not an endpoint.   “At least I’m enjoying the ride”.  Have a great week.

Carena Lowenthal, MS, RD, CDN  917-882-5033

Call today for a free consultation and to set up your first appointment.
Weight loss, Diabetes Medical Management, Heart Health, 
Allergies/ Intolerances, Adults and Children

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